When the pulp of a tooth becomes infected, special care and treatment is required to remove the pulp and protect the tooth from becoming infected in the future. This is referred to as endodontic treatment, and is a specialty area of dentistry that not all dental practices provide. This is why we are so pleased to offer these services to our Monroe, LA, area patients.
Root Canals: A Common Form of Endodontic Treatment
The first step in a root canal procedure is to remove existing decay from the tooth, followed by removing the pulp and nerve of the tooth as well. Onсе that step is complete, wе fіll the tооth wіth a ѕресіаl mаtеrіаl that bоth protects thе tооth and ѕеаlѕ thе opening. Finally, we place a crown over the tooth to prevent furthеr dаmаgе.
Oral Surgery and Other Forms of Endodontic Treatment
In addition to root canals, Drs. Haynes, Sanderson, and Williamson also perform a variety of other types of oral surgery as needed. This includes removal of diseased tissues; removal of half a tooth (“hemisection”); removal of the roots of a tooth (“apicoectomy”); and removal and replacement of a tooth. Although the exact course of endodontic treatment varies from one patient to the next, it often involves anywhere from 1 to 3 visits to our Monroe, LA, office.
Do You Need a Root Canal or Other Endodontic Treatment?
There are certain symptoms that might indicate the need for a root canal or endodontic treatment, including:
- A severe toothache that gets worse under pressure
- A discolored tooth
- Swollen or tender gums surrounding a tooth
- Sensitivity to hot and cold foods and drinks
Contact Our Office Today
For more information about endodontic treatment, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Haynes, Dr. Sanderson, or Dr. Williamson contact our Monroe LA dentist office today.