Ahh, the month of December with all its parties and get-togethers and wonderful snacks and goodies that we, for some unknown reason, make only around the holidays. We are all aware of the damage this month does to our waistlines, but most of us forget the toll our holiday diet can take on our teeth.
Constant snacking, drinking and eating of sugary foods and drinks over Christmas can make the holiday period a miserable time for teeth. However, a few celebratory foods like cranberries and cheese can actually be beneficial to restoring your teeth to healthy balance.
1.Beware of the sticky stuff.
The stickier the goody, the harder it is to remove from your teeth. The sooner you can brush after eating fruitcake and other high sugar goodies, the happier your teeth will be.
2.Don’t ditch the routine
Yes, it’s Christmas Eve and the kids are already up hours past their bedtime, and you’ve got two bicycles and a doll house to assemble, but send those babies to brush and floss on the way to bed. Your dental budget may be glad you did.
3.Say cheese! Cheese is great for teeth. It helps to return the mouth to its natural acid balance and help reduce the chances of developing tooth decay. That’s why cheeseboards after the main meal are a great idea. Even a little piece of cheese can have the same effect. The same can be said for sugar-free chewing gum (although it may not be great table etiquette!).
4.Remember, teeth are for chewing and smiling…really.
In the absene of a pair of scissors or a pocket knife, we have all bit into something to get it open. Not only is it dangerous to your teeth, but, seriously, you don’t know where that package has been. Yuck! And Heaven forbid you consider using your teeth in lieu of a bottle opener. Don’t…just don’t.
Of course, teeth don’t have a calendar and don’t always know when it’s convenient to complain. If your teeth decides to give you trouble during the holidays, give Apple Dental a call. We won’t leave you hurting. Nobody’s got time for that this time of year!
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