Dental anxieties and phobias are well documented and very common. However, modern dental practices have eliminated the root of these fears. Even so, fear is by far the most common excuse people give for neglecting routine and even necessary dental care.
- “I’m scared it will hurt.” To say all dental work is pain-free today would be misleading, but what you have to remember, however, is that the vast majority don’t and that the pain associated with letting your problems worsen is generally far more severe. For instance, nobody likes having cavities excavated, but if you just ignore them, you’ll require extensive dental work and possibly way more painful root canals. Getting treated as early as possible may not always be comfortable, but it definitely feels better than the alternatives. Even then, pain management is better today than ever before.
- “I hate not being in control.” Some individuals feel embarrassed or helpless when they let hygienists and dental professionals into their personal space. While this is somewhat natural, it’s important to remember that you’re always in control. Here is where education is your friend. Most dental offices are more than happy to provide literature or direct you to a website that will explain any procedure that you may require. The better informed and prepared you are, the lower your level of anxiety will be.
- “I’m scared I can’t afford it.” When properly managed, dental care doesn’t have to be expensive. There are a huge array of dental insurance plans that make it much easier for people to care for themselves and their families without straining their finances, and once again, staying on the ball helps reduce care costs. The price tags associated with in-depth procedures and long-overdue corrective work are much higher than what you’ll pay for simple preventive care. Confronting your need for dental work head-on can save you massive amounts of stress down the line. When properly managed, dental care doesn’t have to be expensive. There are a huge array of dental insurance plans that make it much easier for people to care for themselves and their families without straining their finances, and once again, staying on the ball helps reduce care costs. The price tags associated with in-depth procedures and long-overdue corrective work are much higher than what you’ll pay for simple preventive care, so confronting your need for dental work head-on can save you massive amounts of stress down the line.
Remember, ignoring dental problems will not make them go away, and in most cases they will only get worse. Don’t wait until a simple, painless procedure becomes an expensive and complicated process. Also most dentists will provide you with medication to take prior to your appointment to control your anxiety, and provide additional services to lessen your anxiety during your procedure.
So take a deep breath and give Apple Dental a call. We don’t judge. We’ll answer your questions and do all that we can do to make your dental visit as uneventful as possible. Fear is no longer an excuse!
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